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Dad shook himself as he came in. "Caw, it's windy out there!".

"Hello my love, come in the warm. Did you pick up tea?"

"I most certainly did," announced Dad, proudly handing it over to his wife. "I see him next door's back."

"Yes," replied Mother. "The children told me he'd arrived when they came back from practice. I think that Dickie is glad to see him again. I just hope he doesn't lead them astray.

Still, I don't suppose he'll stay long anyway; he'll be back to sea before we know it. Children, tea's ready. Your father's home," she called.

With the usual amount of noisy fuss, their two children, Kitti and Dickie tumbled in and set themselves ready to be fed.

"What's for tea, Mum?" asked Dickie, their youngest.

"Fried worms," replied their father cheerily.

"Behave, Bill," chided mother. "It's all good protein,. It will build them up."

"Mum?" asked Kitti, shyly. "Why can't we have fish? Alby has fish. Dickie told me".

"Alby said he'll take me fishing one day," announced Dickie proudly, stuffing his mouth with food.

"No!" replied their mother sharply.

"Why not, Mum?" whined Dickie. "Why not, Dad?"

"Because, I say so. Now eat your food, both of you."

"Now listen, son," said Bill seriously. "We think that Alby goes too far sometimes and it could be dangerous. I mean, he is a lot bigger than you."


"Because Alby is an Albatross and you are only a Crow," said mother in frustration. "That's why."


© scrapyardsummer 2021